There were wires going left and right, up and down, side to side. I reached for one wire and started to reach for wires, like monkey bars. I climbed higher and higher until i got to the next entrance. Now i know what your thinking: Why would I climb up the elevator when i could just use the elevator? Well the maids have a special tracker and they know wherever the elevator goes, so they would of known I was going to floor 13. I got out my shoe and opened the door again. There was 1 room straight ahead, it said 'Safe Room' right on it.
I got out my hairclip and picked the lock. I opened the door and say all the monet Mr. James had, "Jackpot." i whispered, then the alarm went off. I was so stupid! I should of picked the alarm too and rewire the wirings! Mr. James came running up to me and grabbed my shoulder, he swung me around and cried, "Alexandra? W-why are you in my safe?" I got out my gun and shot Mr. James. I shot the maids as well. I turned off the alarm and grabbed $100,000,000. I was filthy rich now.
You're probably thinking: Why would she steal 100,000,000? Well my father was dying and he needed money to pay for the years-worth of medication and the treatments and his stay at the hospital, he also needed to pay off his morgage, car, electricity, water, and cell phone billsl, it was bad-good, i guess.
P.S. Sorry it was short story but i thought it was cool lol
wait, its OVER?