I came home from school feeling sad. At dinner, Mom asked, "You okay, sweetpea?" I sighed and kept poking my fork at my terioki chicken, "I got revenge on a bully at school, she was laughed at like she was some circus clown. I kinda' feel bad." Dad sighed and said, "Yeah... i guess i thought you should get revenge... oh it's all my fault! I said she could." I nodded, Mom said it was okay. Dad stopped eating and added, "Speaking of this, where is my invisible cloak? It's not in my lab." Oh no. I left it an inch unserground. "Uhh...." Dad narrowed his eyes and spoke more strict, "Laura Ava Smith, tell me the truth." Oh no. Dad used my middle and last name, this was serious. I had to tell the truth, I spoke quickly to get it over with, "I got my revenge on Hulga and at free period she had an inspection and she checked the lockers too so i had to put the cloak somewhere so i buried it by a bush." Dad's mouth was wide open. My mom dropped her fork and she accidently knocked over her water all over the floor, "You buried the invisible cloak made by an Italian designer?" I gulped and stood up. "You're grounded for the school year."
The next day was Saturday. Kelsy called me in the afternoon, "Hello?" i said sadly as i picked up the phone, "Hey Laura! The seniors are having a soccer game. Wanna' come?" said Kesly. I sighed and answered, "I wish i could, but i lost my dad's government Italtian designer cloak." Kesly was confused, she had no idea what i was talking about, "Okkaayyy... well ok. I'll just hang out with Josefina and Isabel." I stood up from my bed and my curiousity took over, "Who are they? I don't remember them on the list of kids in the school." Kelsy gasped and replied, "Oh yeah i haven't told you about them! Josefina and Isabel are from Mexico, their coming to our school. Their in our class and their just my best friends in the world! We do everything together! Oh yeah... about that ice cream we were gonna' get tonight, i can't." I sighed and i rolled my eyes, "But... but why?" Kelsy said sorry and answered, "Well... Josefina, Isabel and i are going for ice cream, they don't really like you." I gasped and kicked my bed. Kelsy added, "I told them you were a bit bossy and mean.... and-" The phone line was cut, "No phone calls!" yelled Dad from downstairs. I smiled and said to myself, "Thank you Dad."
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